Sunday, April 17, 2022

Spring Break ~ Illinois (Mar 30-31)

We've been debating for quite a while now about moving away from LA.  Bobby and I had actually been talking about it since the pandemic hit - so that's what... about 2 years now?  Somehow or rather, the idea about moving to the suburbs of Chicago came about.  I may have been watching one to too many House Hunter episodes on HGTV.  Ha ha!  Anyway, it seems like it would be a rather new adventure to live by or near a lake and then of course, being able to (re)live that "golf/country club" lifestyle again.

So, since neither Bobby and I had really visited Chicago before, we decided to make a trip during the boys' Spring Break to check it out.  We decided to fly out of Long Beach Airport.  Boys are already into their "Road Trip" mode in the car - not even waiting until we get onto the airplane to play on their computer tablets!


This airport is so much more laidback and easy compared to LAX!

It's so funny how Graham and Charlie still travels with their little stuff animal companions:

You know it's a really small airport when you still have to walk directly to the airplane from the outside!

I really wonder how much Graham and Charlie are really reading this or if they are just putting up a show every single trip:

Bye bye sunny California!

It's almost a 4-hour trip... and so of course, this qualifies for some computer gaming time:

The boys and I are all wearing our snow-boots mainly because we are expecting rain in the forecast. But not Daddy, he went out to buy some waterproof sneakers.  Fancy!

Hello gloomy Illinois!  Oh boys, what are we getting ourselves into??!

The rental car company let us pick out an upgrade, so we went with a nice big SUV.  Hope gas prices are cheaper here!

I can almost see downtown Chicago's skyline! Although all these containers totally reminded us of the harbor by us:

Omg,... no traffic on the freeway??! I could definitely get used to this:

Here's the monster of our car!  If we did move here, we would definitely need one of these 4WD plus 3rd row.  Yeah!!

The tulips are only just about to sprout compared to those already in full bloom in Cali:

Decent hotel and look, they actually wrapped up our TV remote.  Hmmm, I wonder if the hotel actually did sanitize it:

Graham and Charlie get too comfortable too quickly in these hotel rooms:

But then again, Daddy also spoils all of us with the suite.  Plenty of space for everyone including one TV for me and Bobby and the oher TV for the boys:

The next morning, we are heading out to see some houses with our realtor.  Oh geez, it's a train!  And oh, I think it was like 158 cars??!... or something like that.  We were waiting forever at this train stop!

Oh wait, we actually went to tour a golf course first.  It's a fancy one and rather expensive too.  They are asking for a lot of money as the initiation fee - which you will never see again??!  And there's also a waitlist, which may possibly be up to 1 year?? Yikes!

After lunch at the club, we head out to one of many houses.  Bobby is still busy being on-call:

And while we're waiting for our realtor to show up, boys are happily playing in the rain.  Ha ha!

We liked this first house but there were so many power lines around!  This next one was super!  Or at least the backyard was.  Check out this lake!  Graham and Charlie were already busy skipping rocks while waiting for the realtor to open up the door:

Looks like there's an issue with the house lock, so we're moving on!

Nothing like ending the day with some dessert, before dinner no less.  Ha ha!!

I'm so glad these boys put up with all these "adventures" :-D

So many interesting looking homes!  This one just caught my attention while we were driving around:

Time for bed!  Actually, on the first night - Mommy slept with Graham and Daddy slept with Charlie:

The next morning, it's snowing!!

Oh boy, so gloomy, wet, and yucky.  Yikes!

We saw a few homes but nothing really caught our fancy.  We stopped for a quick drive-thru lunch.  WORSE Dunkin' Donuts ever!!!

Looks like Charlie is getting too tired with this house-hunting process.  LOL!!!

One last house... I've never seen a kitchen with 2 sink faucets??! Seriously???

Nothing like treating the boys (or I guess bribing at this point perhaps) with more ice cream before dinner.  He he!

As for dinner, we are actually touring another golf course.  This one was actually do-able and very enticing as it comes with a lovely gym/workout area and also a kids' place to hang out. Mommy and Daddy can definitely do date-night here ;-)

Boys and their sweet tooth:

I'm guessing it's probably our fault too.  But c'mon, look how happy Graham's face is!

Snowing again when we are leaving the golf course.  Boys are trying to eat falling snow.  Too funny!

Rain and snow for these past few days, but thankfully a good day tomorrow (Friday) when we visit downtown Chicago.  Yay!

But check out the temps for home.  Sheesh, what are we thinking about with this move???  
A couple more exciting days ahead in IL.  Stay tuned!

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