Wednesday, December 9, 2020


The last time we went to Long Beach, we actually wanted to check out the drive-thru line for a popular fried chicken franchise.  It seems that this same franchise is wanting to open a restaurant down the street from us and supposedly the lines are super long! Anyway, the city is yet to have another meeting about it. So until then, it's just a waiting game. And as much as we love to eat at this restaurant, we are hoping enough people have signed the petition to shut it down! 

In the meantime, we will just drive to Long Beach to eat this yummy fried chicken.  We found a small park along the street to chow down as we didn't want soggy chicken:

I'm just glad the drain on the other side of the fence was not stinky!  
And I'm not sure what Charlie is trying to do here - obviously wanting to be the center of attention/the photo!
We brought our Ninja line and managed to find 2 trees.  Thankfully our lines was just long enough!
Graham is so good with hanging upside down.  I think it's so funny he just hangs on with his legs and uses his hands to keep his shirt up:
Charlie is still struggling to get himself upside down.  In time, I'm sure he'll get it too.  Looking at him today, he is starting to fill up a bit more and will just need to work on his upper body strength:
These boys are such monkeys:
Especially Charlie!
Okay, so we are all being silly :-)
On the way home, we drive over the new bridge.  I think I actually got a really good photo of it the bridge time!... minus the toll device on the top left corner. Ha ha!
At least the minivan didn't break down this time compared to the last time we were in Long Beach.  Phew!

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