Friday, December 25, 2020


As if there wasn't enough going on in this household, Charlie ends up with a chalazion on his right eye-lid.  At first we thought it was a stye.  We emailed our pediatrician about it and they suggested warm compresses and eye-lid wipes. Well, this started back on Nov 11. 

A week later, it wasn't that much better although at some point, it looked as though the swelling might have gone down a bit.  The scabbing started when we started using the eyelid scrub:
By the end of the month, it was time for the boys' annual physical.  I think the only part they really remember of this physical is when the doctor has to take a peek at their private part.  It's so funny how they giggle about it now and feel shy about it.  Ha!

Well, bad news from the pediatrician about Charlie's eye is what seemed to us as a stye has now become a chalazion.  I have never heard of this word before!  It happens when the opening of the oil-producing gland in the eyelid becomes blocked. But if it doesn't get treated, it can eventually discharge or burst spontaneously and/or even affect one's vision! YIKES! Well, it didn't take us long to make an appointment with an ophthalmologist and she sent us home with an antibiotic eyedrop and also an antibiotic ointment.  We were back to see the ophthalmologist 2 weeks later. And thankfully, it looks so much better!!

We are continuing both eyedrops and ointment but reduced from 4 drops to 2 drops a day and using the ointment once a day vs twice a day.  Still using the compress twice a day for 10 minutes. Quite the chore but so thankful the chalazion has reduced in size:

We have one more follow-up in 3 weeks and hopefully by then it will be all gone.  Otherwise, I hope there are other options other than having the chalazion surgically removed. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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