Friday, April 3, 2020


I've been doing a little bit of baking lately.  Did you know that boxed corn bread comes in a veggie version now?  I had to make it vegan too, so I substituted eggs with apple sauce for Bobby:
You can almost tell the difference between vegan and non-vegan.  The vegan one (to the left) is more bumpy.  But just to be sure I didn't mix it up, I used the muffins to make a letter "V".  Ha!
I also baked an orange cake yesterday.  After our neighbor had brought over an entire box of Legos, I figured it was nice to bake them something while we also returned their empty bin.  They were the same neighbor that brought over their chicken eggs a few weeks ago. Such nice people!

The whole reason for an orange cake was all the orange pulp that was leftover after juicing about 8 oranges!
I found a recipe online that had its measurements in grams.  Finally, Bobby's weighing machine is coming in handy!  At some point, he was suppose to measure the amount of food that he ate, but that never happened.  The scale is going to get plenty of use now because I have to use it to measure out the amounts of flour and water to "feed" the sourdough yeast too:
Ta da!!!  I sort of had to wing it with the amount of orange pulp.  The recipe called for pulsing an entire orange in a food processor:
I baked one and a half tins of cake just so I could taste the other 1/2 of the cake.  Well, the boys devoured our half!!!
It definitely could have used more pulp!  Well, I have some more pulp leftover so looks like I will be baking again tomorrow!  If anything, everyone will have plenty of fiber for the day :-)

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