Sunday, May 12, 2019

First weekend BBQ

We finally had our first grill-out in our backyard over this weekend!  Our old neighbor back in Phoenix actually gave us their grill when we were moving out of our "Phoenix house".  I finally cleaned it out a few weeks ago:
We tried to buy new grill  grates but somehow I couldn't even find generic ones that would fit???
Grates are nice and clean(er) with lots of scrubbing:
Unfortunately, my disposable gloves ripped by the thumb and index finger.  It took a week or so to finally get all that grease out of my finger nails!
Daddy has his work cut out for him as the boys want to have s'mores as well on Saturday night:
Hooray on grilling! Graham and Charlie picked out a new LA Dodger grill spatula as well:
Eventually, we will get the grill in this paved area:
I was hoping to have finished paving by now but looks like I need another 100 pavers!  It's not looking very even right now but I wanted to be sure how/if this pattern would work. It is slightly on a slope but hopefully not enough for our burger patties to roll off the grill. Ha ha!
Hopefully this will be the last paving project for a while.  Although I have to say, the backyard is coming along nicely - including the weeds. LOL!!!

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