Monday, May 21, 2018

Mary Poppins Jr.

I bought tickets to a Mary Poppins show over 2 weeks ago (May 5th) and not thinking it was actually a "Junior" show. 
That means, all the performers are young kids!!!  Well, if anything, we did get a chance to see the Warner Grand Theater in San Pedro.  It was designed in an Art Deco form and opened in 1931. The old ticket booth is still there although probably not used anymore:
You can sort of see the booth towards the back right of this black-and-white photo.  There were several black-and-white photos along the walls downstairs on the way to the bathrooms.  What really caught my eye was this LION on the back of the car!!!
This photo above is taken in 1935.  Who knows what kind of show it is where the lion is necessary??!!
In any case, the theatre is now on the National Register of Historic Places.  Too cool! 
The inside of the theatre is really quite dramatic:
More art deco and I am glad Graham is excited!  He loves the Mary Poppins movie and this is sort of his early birthday present.  The boys really do love singing the songs.
Here is a look above the ceiling. Unfortunately, I didn't realize the photo was blurry until after the fact.  Nonetheless, it is stunning!
Intermission and the boys go across the street with Daddy.  Anytime the boys are out with their dad, they always come back with candy??!
All in all, the show was pretty good.  Considering the kids singing and dancing ranged from 1st Grade to perhaps 8th Grade.  I asked if the boys would like to sing and dance on stage someday and both of them said "No".  I was so sad when I heard that!!!  Perhaps someday... :-)

One last photo of San Pedro back in the day.  This one is dated 1934.  I guess there were cable cars back then?
So glad this theatre wasn't demolished!

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