Monday, May 21, 2018


Both Graham and Charlie FINALLY get to build their own bear at this store.  For years and years, the boys would constantly keep asking if they could almost EVERY TIME we walked by a Build-A-Bear store.  Well, the time finally came when one of Charlie's classmates hosted her birthday party there (May 5).

Charlie is so happy with his Pikachu!
Graham is so happy with his Monkey.  He even gave the monkey its voice!
At this party, all the kids were able to pick out the bear and combination of outfit and shoes.  And at the very end, each bear was given a birth certificate and also a carry-along bag!  What a fun treat!!!
I am just glad I wasn't the one having to pay for this birthday party bill at the end of the day.  There were at least 40+ kids!!!  Phew!!!  So thankful for such generous friends/families :-)

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