Friday, June 29, 2012

"I miss you too, Mommy"

After picking up Graham from daycare this past Tuesday, we went home and proceeded to watch one of his favorite shows on TV.  When I was sitting on the couch, I told Graham to come over and give me a hug and a kiss.  And I said "I missed you today"... and he said "I miss you too, Mommy".  My heart just melted! I wonder though if he really knows what it means but then again, how can you just not love a cheeky boy like this one!  Here he is saying "Cheese!"
And that finger... Graham loves to point!
Here are a list of other sentences Graham has been saying lately:
- I don't want to go to school!
- It's going to be bad! (When he doesn't want to do something)
- Mommy, come back! Open door, please!!  (When we close the door behind us during naptime/bedtime)
- I had a good time at the big pool today.
- It was fun!

Graham continues to surprise us with what he has to say each day!

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