Sunday, September 22, 2024

Random photos (Aug)

Just a few random photos from August :-)

This is like the cutest lawn mower ever.  I think it just runs on solar and it goes on its route almost all day long:
Here it is in action:
We need to get one of these. LOL!

Here's what the market looks like on Saturdays when I'm there:
I think it's got a very "homey" feeling.  All the produce/veggies are grown on-site. The lady that does all the planting leases the plot from the owner (my friend).

And here are my plants.  So far I've been able to sell at least 1 per market. It's not much but it's been fun making all the kokedama:
Based on what I'm seeing from this table back in August, all these plants have found new homes. Yay!! This one finally found a new home yesterday:
It's actually been living in the "market" for the last few weeks. I've actually added a self-watering feature to this one so it doesn't even really need much maintenance. I've been adding maybe only like 1/2" of water every week!

My friend's mom actually bought this one and she mentioned the other day that it is still doing well. Phew!
The Calla lily will die out in the winter to hibernate and so that's why I planted the ivy around it, so that will continue to stay green until the lily comes back in the Spring.  Actually one of her friends asked if I could do the same but I haven't been able to find any more lilies recently. I made another kokedama with a tubular begonia but I'm not sure how it's going to do yet. So fingers crossed, it will survive as it doesn't like a lot of water! 
I think it's a pretty fit with the other greenery but so far a lot of flowers have fallen off since this photo. Let's see how it does this week!

And while people are bringing new plants into their new homes, I've been buying more stuff from our home. There was a estate sale and I managed to snag these metal shelves for a deal. I think they were 50% off!
Anything to keep the stuff off the ground in the garage, especially since our first flooding in the garage the month before. Yikes!

And Graham bought a used PC and is happily taking it apart:
He's an expert in that but doesn't necessarily put things back together. Ha!

In the meantime, my hibiscus outside in the backyard came back this year. It always makes me a bit nervous because it comes in later in the summer and I keep thinking it has died.  But nope, here it is!
And we finally went through all the mulch:
Although this tarp is still there because we have some dirt that we've dug up from somewhere. Oh, it was when we were trying to level out the spot for the shed.  We'll have to figure out what to do with it! We just have this one little spot with no mulch. I don't think anyone will notice,... except us. Ha ha!
Another trip to throw axes:
We all had a good time, except I couldn't get my axe to stick hardly at all!  I have no idea except this is a different spot than the last and the axes were a bit different.  Then again, I have a tennis elbow!!  And I think it's actually from making the kokeadamas.  I would squeeze the water out from the sphagnum moss with my right hand as I'm holding the kokedama in my left hand.  And I guess my elbow is now complaining as I've made quite a few kokedamas by now!

The weather was so weird one day during a Youth Clinic. I thought it was going to be decent when Bobby said the high temperature was going to be in the high 60s. Well, I totally forgot about the wind. Brrr...!
Good thing I have like a closet of extra clothing in the car so definitely more prepared now. I'll probably have to dump some beanies and sweaters in there pretty soon with us approaching October.

Last but not least, a video of Charlie playing his clarinet.  He is getting better!

I just wished he practiced more! There's jazz bands that the students can form at school but somehow clarinet is not on the list of instruments? So weird! I may have to chat with his teacher about this.  Ha!

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