Friday, November 5, 2021


We were walking through a trail to pick Graham up from school today.  We heard a noise in the shrubs below and then, Oh My Goodness... couldn't believe our eyes when we saw a coyote!  Thankfully it was on the other side - and thankfully with the ravine in between us.  


And I'm so glad we had our walking sticks too. Here's a photo after picking up Graham - all sticks on hand just in case we see the coyote again while walking home:

And weirdly enough, this is actually the main reason why we have our walking sticks.  We just never thought we would actually see a coyote in broad daylight.

Here's a quick video:
I'm not sure if we would be getting that close to "wearing the coyote's tail as a hat".  Silly Bobby! If the coyote got that close, it would probably be a foot race among the 4 of us. LOL!!!

We later also noticed some trampled down grass. I'm guessing that's the coyote's (or more likely coyotes') trail.  I've never noticed them before and we've walked this trail on the opposite side so many times.  And we'll probably never EVER go to the other side of the ravine EVER again!
We knew that the coyotes were close to our homes because a couple of months ago, our neighbor actually showed us a photo of a coyote standing on our back wall.  That was actually pretty freaky to see!  And then this was a few nights ago - YIKES! First coyote sighting on our driveway in the middle of the night!!!
It's a big coyote too!  And I bet this is what the coyote is looking for... 
Yup, a nice plump raccoon.  I almost wish the coyote will get it because the raccoon is digging up the front yard and ruining the flower bed and grass!

So I'm not sure if we're going to be camping out in the backyard very much anymore.  Although the lunar eclipse is coming up in a couple of weeks.  Maybe sleep with a pepper spray in the tent?!  We'll actually need to get a new tent too because the previous one was ruined after being in the sun/backyard for too many months.

In any case, this coyote sighting is definitely a good reason why we are not walking to school early in the morning.  I'd very much rather sit in traffic with my coffee instead :-P

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