Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Progress with Heelys

Graham and Charlie were both begging for these Heelys (shoes with wheels) for Christmas last year.  They haven't ventured out with them very much as it seems that the wheels have to be either on all the time or off all the time. I don't like them walking around too much with the wheels on since it's almost like them walking with high-heels on!  Charlie had accidentally slipped a few times as he would jump or pounce and forget that he had those wheels at the bottom/back on his shoes.  Oops!

I should have bought different ones where you can just push the wheels in and out on demand, as these wheels have to be pried out with a special tool. Oh well, learning process with these kids and their demands!

We did let the boys venture out to the Botanic Garden once with their Heelys a couple of weeks ago.  Graham is getting better at them while Charlie is still struggling with it quite a bit:
We keep telling them to practice on the pavement in the backyard with their helmets and pads on but nope, I guess that just doesn't seem fun enough???  We still have the skateboards too which we haven't been practicing on.  My new one still has the plastic wrapper on.  Ha ha! Perhaps we should start practicing soon as the beaches have re-opened which means the strand is also open now.

P.S:  Homeschooling is over! Yay, I made it.  Someone needs to print me a shirt that says "I survived homeschooling."  LOL!!!

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