Sunday, July 7, 2019


After living here for almost 2 years, we finally feel our first earthquake!  Well, I didn't really feel it, but I noticed our pendant lights moving in the kitchen and dining table:
The lights were actually moving a bit more as I didn't grab my phone in time to start recording.  I was obviously still trying to figure out what was going on when I looked up in the kitchen!

This was from a 6.4 magnitude earthquake on July 4th, that originated in Ridgecrest, which is about 3 hours (175 miles) north from us.  Then, another earthquake happened the day after, which was a 7.1 magnitude - also in the same area.  Weirdly enough, I didn't feel that one either!  I was in the shower.  Ha ha!

Hopefully  there won't be too many more! Because look at what it has done to our driveway!
We also had a auto-shutoff valve for the gas line coming into the house. It was pretty freaky watching homes go up in flames (on the news) after the earthquake happened.  We're down by $215 but probably worth every penny at this point!!!

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