Friday, November 14, 2014

"The Snake is in the..."

Graham started singing some phonic songs for school and funny enough, I found the book and CD during a book sale at Charlie's school!  So, we've been listening to the CD in the car and occasionally Graham will sing them at home.  When Graham did sing his first phonic song during dinner one night, he pronounced "grass" with a British accent!  It was very cute :-)
And then, this is what Charlie thought about it:
By the way, I've taken the chaise lounge of out Charlie's room so he finally has no other option but to sleep in his converted crib.  As you can see, he is very happy about jumping on it!  We've added some glow-in-the-dark stars on his wall:
I'm glad to report that the first couple of nights have gone really well!
Now if I can only step away from Charlie's room once I tuck him in.  Still having to sit in his room until he falls asleep!  Here's my new chair, by the way.  And here is Charlie working on his little toe nail. Ha!

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