Tuesday, April 24, 2012


We decided to take Graham to the "Discover the Dinosaurs" event this past Sunday.
It was basically a walk-through of various dinosaurs, but the lighting and sounds made it more dramatic.  And unfortunately, it really scared Graham!
He would sometimes look up...
 But when the dinosaurs made strange noises again and moved... he would cuddle straight into daddy!
 Poor fella!
Once the exhibit was over, Graham was back to normal and off and running to the play area.
These dinosaurs are a lot more friendlier :-)
Graham was having a problem getting onto this dinosaur but a nice gal came by to help!
This was just too cute!  Graham didn't even flinch when she picked him up.
And off she went her merry way once Graham was on.
Look who's so happy now!
We're probably going to have to wait another year before next dinosaur exhibit though!

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