Thursday, February 23, 2012

Graham is 21 months old

Graham is 21 months old now and talking up a storm! He's starting to form sentences with 4-5 words in it, such as:
- Wen-wen eat the mash potatoes
- Daddy close the garage door (this one still needs some work :-)

Then, there's times when Graham would have conversations with Mommy. For example:
Graham: Where bird?
Mommy: In the sky
Graham: No... no bird. Bird sleeping!

The weather was so nice yesterday, so we took the opportunity to go out to the golf club. We just found out that this new club that we joined, has an entire practice hole! So, we just parked the cart on the side of the bunker and had the whole place to ourselves! Graham loves raking the bunker. He probably spent a good 45 minutes raking the sand:
Then, took a break to hit a couple of shots. He still predominantly swings lefty:
Then moved on to picking up the golf balls:
I hope he continues to enjoy doing this because that would help me tremendously with practice time! :-)
Then, more time in the bunker:
Then, literally in the bunker. It's his own personal sand pit!
At one point, Graham even started climbing in and out from the high spot of the bunker - getting sand all over the front of his shirt and pants. Then, he would sit on a high spot inside the bunker and try to slide down on his bum, saying "wheeeee" as he pushed his bum down the sand slope.
Needless to say, we all had a great day! :-D

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