Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

For Valentine's Day this year, Bob offered to cook me a three-course meal. The last time he cooked for me was waaaaaaaaaaay back in China - Feb 2006, when we just started dating! That was 3 years ago!
I did take him up on his offer, of course knowing that I did have some immodium, just in case, as well as some leftovers in the fridge if dinner didn't turn out that well :-)

We started out with tomato mozzarella salad - my favorite! And then, drumroll... Bob's own creation called "Moses' Boat" - grilled chicken topped with barbeque sauce with onions and peppers and a lot of garlic! He may have overdone the garlic but nonetheless, we ate it all! And for dessert, Bob's first baking experience... chocolate lava cake! It was yummy! Ok, he did make it out of a box but he was able to pull it together, thanks also to the proper measurement of a "tablespoon". You're welcome, honey :-)
Bob did clean up the kitchen as well, which was a really nice treat as well for me. Speaking of treats, I did bake some shortbread cookies, but looks like you can't skim on the real stuff! I decided to use some sort of 50/50 butter blend and blah...!!! The cookies didn't turn out anything like the ones I made during Christmas!

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