Thursday, December 25, 2008

It's Christmas Day!!!

Wow... Christmas day is finally here! And "Santa" was really good to me this year. Perhaps because I WAS really good this year :-)
I did "accidentally" open half of my first Christmas present last week, so I managed to persuade Bob to let me open the other half of the present a couple days before Christmas. I felt like such a little kid, asking for permission.
And as for my other pressie...I now finally own my first acoustic guitar! I've always wanted one as a kid, but Mom would never let me have one. She said that the strings would ruin my fingers and I would then also ruin my golf with all those calluses on my finger tips. Mom - I know you can hear me... I promise to be veeeery careful!
After a few quick lessons from the booklet, here's my first audition...

Sounds like I DO have a loooooong way to go! :-p

Seemed like Bob was really good this year too. There were a lot of presents for him under the tree. I wasn't sure what he wanted, so he suggested that I get him a book... some Booker prize winner book (which I originally thought was Pulitzer). I didn't really do much research and obviously was looking for the wrong thing anyway,... so instead, I got him this. It's called Dewey - named after a resident cat at Spencer Public Library in Iowa. I'm still hoping that maybe one day, he will learn to LOVE cats :-)

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