Monday, July 7, 2008


Two hours into my drive today towards Bloomfield, CT... "Lola" - my GPS unit... quit working! Fortunately, I took a glimpse at the turn-by-turn screen to get a quick idea of where to go before I lost satellite reception, so I had a brief idea of my next exit. But nonetheless, during the half hour that Lola was out, I was trying to read my road atlas while driving and was hoping she would say something soon! And what a sigh of relief when Lola was finally revived within the last half hour of the journey. Phew! I did have the driving directions provided by the FUTURES Tour as back-up, but I wasn't expecting Lola to quit on me like that!
My phone battery died out too when I arrived at the golf course today. I'll have to figure out this new phone soon! I had already deleted some of my contacts from my SIM card by accident. Hmm... what else could go wrong??? Oh, that's right - my bluetooth earpiece wouldn't work either during my drive today. Sigh...

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