Monday, April 21, 2008

Avery Island

I finally made a birdie on my 51st hole of tournament play. Phew! Hopefully we won't have to wait that long for the next one! Bob came out and caddied me this week in Lafayette but we missed the cut... and lost a putter cover along the way too!

Anyhow, we decided to head out to Avery Island for a quick tour on Sunday. Unfortunately, it was not a working day, so the tour of the factory was rather underwhelming.

We then proceeded to drive around the Jungle Gardens and spotted a baby gator along the trail... took a quick peek at the 800-year old Buddha statue... drove by the oldest tree on the property (I'm not exactly sure how old it is though)... and then tried to climb a few trees. Not very graceful as you can see! And I'm barely even off the ground!! :-)

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