It was also a busy day pulling weeds that had overgrown through the mulch in other parts of the front yard. We were planning on putting up some mini white picket fences along the border but the ground was more like clay underneath and nothing was going through it! Instead, I discovered some large stones from the empty lot next to the house and I have to say, it looks rather good! I'll be sure to post a pic tomorrow. It was getting really dark when I was finally done walking through the weeds at dawn. I was almost wondering at times if I was going to find a dead body out there!
1 1/2 years into the marriage and Bob finally decided to make a special trip tonight to buy an X-Box. You can almost see that glimmer in this eyes as he walked through the door. Gone are my days of Home & Garden TV...! And hopefully he won't get any crazy ideas about car-jacking and robbing people from playing Grand Theft Auto!