Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Trip back to CA (Aug 9-14)

We took a trip back to SoCal before the end of the summer holidays.  I didn't take us long to end up back at some of our old stomping grounds. But before that, some airport shenanigans - who approved the ICEEs??!
Trying to figure out which car to rent and the boys really wanted this one. LOL!
First stop right after the airport - and gosh, it took us forever to get here because of the traffic! USC campus.  We actually just love eating here. Ha!
Well, the campus is pretty nice too:
On the way out, we saw a self-driving car!
I'm not sure if I would sit in one yet!

But ahhhh, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to be in a self-driving car in all this traffic.  L... A...! That has not changed one bit. Ha!
And even before heading back to the hotel, Charlie had to get his bubble tea from his favorite spot. This wasn't far from our old house.  Happy Charlie!
And look who's so happy with In-and-Out.  LOL!!
Looks like everyone is happy.  And it seems that we are just eating our way around town :-)

A little walk down memory lane - along the large mural on 25th street in San Pedro:
We were trying to recreate this photo that was taken back in 2018. Graham was only 8 years old and Charlie was 6. How cute were they!
Look how big Charlie is now. Ha ha!
 This entire mural still amazes me:
Just beautiful!
The next day we are off to meet up with some friends.  But before that, a quick stopover at Friendship Park:
This place is so serene.  Looks like the fog is rolling in:
Pretty flowers!
On our way to the Terranea Resort nearby.  Oh boy, here's what we used to call "turbulence road".  And it's even worse now!
There's been so much movement in these roads that the gas lines to the homes on the hill have been stopped. Newly paved road and it's already cracking. Yikes!
And here was where the previously standing glass chapel was - the Wayfarer's Chapel. The glass started to break and so it was removed piece and piece to another location!
Here's what the inside of the chapel looks like - photo taken in 2021:
Look at those faces on the boys. These boys, I tell you!

Okay, another quick stop - by the lighthouse:
We definitely miss being back in RPV!
Finally at Terranea Resort - the parking situation is a mess! There's obviously too many visitors and not enough parking spots. And the valet was backed-up.  Yeah,... first world problem.

I finally had a chance to meet up with a friend of mine whom I used to play golf with on the same tour way back when. She's from Norway but now lives in Spain.  Also 2 kids!  It's funny how all the kids are on their phone:
I suppose if anything, they are playing the same game on their phones??!
Here's me and my friend Ceci (short for Cecilia) - reunited after so many years!
At least the kids all put down their phones for S'mores:
Plus hubbies & kids - how our worlds have changed:
And.. off to the beach!  We were able to borrow a friend's umbrella.  It's a beautiful day!
Bobby trying to teach Ceci's hubby how to throw a football :-)
In the meantime, the kids are trying to learn to skim board:
Looks like Charlie still needs some practice :-D
Another selfie!
These kids are definitely enjoying the ocean!  I know Graham and Charlie definitely miss being here:
All was well, until... a spout in the distance? That's really odd to see a whale spout so close to shore.  Well, here's the problem.  A fin whale has decided to beach itself?!
What a sad moment!
The rescue boat showed up:
And a couple of the lifeguards have put on their wet suits. We watched for a bit but no one did anything!
Well, I told my friend that there are normally dolphins swimming but this time, we got a whale instead! Pretty sad ending though.  Never a dull moment back at RPV.  I'm glad the boys got to bodyboard and we all got to spend some time on the beach.  Now it's time for some dinner!
We met up with some other friends for dinner at one of our favorite crepe restaurants nearby.  Forgot to take photos! 

Later that night while parking the car back at the hotel, we spot a fancy car:
Yes, super fancy!
And of course Graham likes it even more because it's red. That's always been his favorite color, even when he was a little kid!

Next day, we are off to another friend's for a get-together.  I had planted this agave in their yard right before leaving SoCal.  Look how huge it is now!!
I think it was the size of the little one towards the front of the photo when I first planted it.  It's actually a baby of the mom, which was a baby of our neighbors that lived in AZ.  Did you get that?! :-)

It was quite funny with this visit with our friends. The kids have all known each other from their old schools but no one was talking to each other. They played video games for a bit and then, they just did their own thing on their phone. Ha!  Us parents, on the other hand, had a great time catching up. What a difference with these newer generation.  What is the world coming to when it comes to socialization?!

Graham wanted to see his old school.  He says he misses it!
Towards the end of the trip, we were embraced by our friends to stay in their home. She's definitely spoiling us!
Charlie also got to learn how to play the drums:
Not too shabby!
On the next day, we decided to explore around Portuguese Bend Beach:
I find it amazing how life/nature finds it's way in and around the rocks:
Ever so beautiful around this area.  But this earth/rocky area supposedly just appeared not too long ago!!  The land had shifted and push all of this up to the surface.  You can clearly see it in the photo below. Crazy!
That means new tide pools:
It's a starfish!!
I do miss the landscape here:
And there's Graham... on his phone:
I actually just took it away from his tonight and told him no phone usage tomorrow.  We'll see how that goes!

Sorry, I digress.  Some grassy "stuff" on the rocks. Looks slippery!
Million dollar homes on the cliff that are struggling with land movement.  I feel so sorry for them!
Okay, off to Long Beach for some food. Here comes one of the bridges that Bobby and I are actually not too fond of:
It's just so high!!
I'm glad this next new one is much better:
I love taking photo of bridges!
Looks like our ice-cream place in The Hanger has shut down!  Didn't stop the boys to get some ice-cream elsewhere:
And Daddy found another In-and-Out conveniently located. Ha!
And once we get back to my friend's house, the boys are back in the pool.  This photo is so hilarious - Graham has managed to stack like 5 round pool floaties. I don't know how he even manages to move/paddle in the water like that!
And the kids have been busy making some sort of whirlpool in the hot tub and a good amount of that water has come out of it.  So they have been assigned to put some water back from the swimming pool.  So much splashing around, I'm wondering how much of it is actually getting back into the hot tub!
It's been such a great trip - which makes me want to come back to SoCal again.  Until then,
Wait, no,... we are back to our phones:
So is Daddy: 
Okay, looks like Daddy caught me on my phone too. But I'm probably reading or replying some important email or text.  Right??!
I guess this is how I know the boys are brothers??? Same pose while looking out the airplane window!!
And.... straight to a McDonalds for a meal after touch-down.  This kid is thirsty!
And this one is hungry. LOL!!
Hmm, I swear we did not leave Charlie back in Cali.  Ha ha!!
What an amazing trip!  So great to meet up with old friends again and of course, to eat our way around our favorite spots.  
Thank you, Van & her family for hosting us again:
We miss you all already!
Until next time Rancho Palos Verdes!!